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//23 de Mayo, 2010

000-433 free demo

por itshow a las 23:50, en General

000-433 Exam
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V5.5 Implementation
Exam Number/Code : 000-433
Exam Name : IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V5.5 Implementation
Questions and Answers : 266 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-05-24
000-433 Price: $ 98.00

2. What is a limitation of the Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) Operational Reporting stand alone package?
A. Web link summary options are not available to check operational reports about the server.
B. The stand alone package does not support TSM servers running on non-Windows platforms.
C. If a TSM server requires attention, the message may not provide a recommendation for getting it running again.
D. If you install the stand alone version and later decide to install the TSM server on Windows, you must first uninstall the stand alone console.
Answer: D

3. Which two options can be used in the backup-archive client option files for Windows and AIX to specify the location for the storage of the encryption key? (Choose two.)
A. passworddir
B. securelocation
C. passwordlocation
D. encryptkeylocation
E. encryptkey generate
Answer: AE

Test 000-433 information:
Number of questions: 70
Time allowed in minutes: 105
Required passing score: 74%
Test languages: English

Section 3 – Configuration
Given that the TSM server is installed, modify the dsmserv.opt file and issue server option set commands so that server options are set appropriately
With emphasis on performing the following:
Configure options in dsmserv.opt that are appropriate to a customer’s environment
Configure options using server set commands that are appropriate to a customer’s environment

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