350-001 Exam
CCIE Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert
Number/Code : 350-001
Name : CCIE Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert
Questions and Answers :
136 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-06-08
350-001 Price: $ 120.00
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350-001 exam
3. Spanning Tree Protocol IEEE 802.1s defines the ability to deploy
which of these?
A. one global STP instance for all VLANs
B. one STP
instance for each VLAN
C. one STP instance per set of VLANs
D. one STP
instance per set of bridges
Answer: C
4. Which statement correctly describes the disabling of IP TTL propagation in
an MPLS network?
A. The TTL field from the IP packet is copied into the TTL
field of the MPLS label header at the ingress edge LSR.
B. TTL propagation
cannot be disabled in an MPLS domain.
C. TTL propagation is only disabled on
the ingress edge LSR.
D. The TTL field of the MPLS label header is set to
E. The TTL field of the IP packet is set to 0.
Answer: D
Beta Exams
Each written exam version is offered first in beta form at a
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beta qualifies a candidate to schedule the 350-001 lab exam.
Results, however, are typically not available until six to eight weeks after the
close of the beta. A candidate may attempt the beta exam only once during the
beta period.
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