000-443 Exam
db2 content manager v8.3
Exam Number/Code : 000-443
Name : db2 content manager v8.3
Questions and Answers : 128
Update Time: 2010-05-24
000-443 Price: $ 120.00
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Section 5 – System Managed Storage (8%)
Define Storage Hierarchies and
Tape, CD Rom, Optical
Define Archival Rules /
Understand TSM to CM Integration
Define Resource Manager
Test 000-443
Number of questions: 64
Time allowed in minutes:
Required passing score: 61%
5. A new user has just been added to the Content Manager system. The
administrator wants to assign this userid a privilege set in an already existing
access control list. The userid is not shown in the access control list
modification panel. Which of the following is the most likely reason for
A. The access control list is already in use and cannot be modified
B. The userid has an assigned privilege set which includes the
ItemSuperAccess privilege.
C. The password for the new userid is expired
immediately, and therefore, this userid cannot be accessed.
D. The Content
Manager System Administration client needs to be restarted after a userid is
created to refresh the cache.
Answer: B
6. What is the default duration of a security token generated to access a
resource manager object?
A. 1 day
B. 2 days
C. 2 hours
D. 30
Answer: B
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