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//03 de Junio, 2010

VCP-410 brain dumps

por itshow a las 02:42, en General

VCP-410 Exam
VMware Certified Professional on VI4
Exam Number/Code : VCP-410
Exam Name : VMware Certified Professional on VI4
Questions and Answers : 300 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-06-03
Price: $ 122.00

Prepare for the VMWare VCP-410 exam with our VCP-410 Exam Resources and, you can be rest assured that you will be fully prepared to take on your VCP-410 Exam. TestInside Exams are written and formatted by Top senior IT Professionals working in today’s prospering companies and data centers. All of our practice exams including the VCP-410 exam will prepare you for success. VCP-410 is a challenging exam, with our VCP-410 study guide, you can feel safe with our question and answers that will help you in obtaining your successful completion of your VCP-410 exam.

Exam : VMware VCP-410
Title : VMware Certified Professional on VI4
1. When installing ESX 4.0, where is the Service Console file system located?
A. In a virtual disk on a local VMFS datastore
B. In a virtual disk on a local or shared VMFS datastore
C. On a local physical disk or on a mapped SAN LUN
D. On a local physical disk
Answer: A

2. Creating which of the following optional partitions would change the default partition size for /?
A. /tmp
B. /home
C. /var/log
D. /usr
Answer: D

3. The default swap partition size for ESX 4.0 is which of the following?
A. 800MB
B. 1.6GB
C. 544MB
D. 600MB
Answer: D

We value the quality of training you receive through our VCP-410 practice exam and will never support VCP-410 braindumps, or any VCP-410 brain dump site. VCP-410 braindump sites cannot compare to the understanding, learning and comprehension you will gain from a non VCP-410 brain dumps site, based on facts and case studies, like TestInside.

TestInside VCP-410 practice exams and study guides are composed by current and active Information Technology experts, who use their experience in preparing you for your future in the IT Industry.

There are many ways to prepare for your VCP-410 Certification Exam. TestInside provides the most reliable training tools to prepare for your next VCP-410 Certification Exam. Our VCP-410 Certification Study Material includes Study Guides, VCP-410 Questions and Answers, VCP-410 Practice Testing Software, VCP-410 Audio Learning and Preparation Labs. We fulfill all your certification needs here at TestInside.

With TestInside Hiexam VCP-410, your ultimate success in VMWare VCP-410 Certification Exam is no more a dream. TestInside guarantees your passing VMWare VCP-410 Certification Exam. When you take VMWare exam,you can visit Testinside to know the latest messages.Testinside will provide quality services to help you through the VMWare VCP-410 certification exam.Testinside help you on the road to success.

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