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3. How many simultaneous threads can a single socket quad core ProLiant
server with hyperthreading
enabled execute?
A. 2 threads
B. 4
C. 8 threads
D. 16 threads
Answer: C
4. What are features of registered DIMM (RDIMM) memory modules? (Select
A. lower cost per GB than unbuffered DIMM (UDIMM) memory modules
higher speed than static RAM
C. memory mirroring and Lockstep mode
D. address parity
Answer: CD
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Implementing HP ProLiant ML/DL/SL Servers
Exam Number/Code :
Exam Name : Implementing HP ProLiant ML/DL/SL Servers
and Answers : 100 Q&As
HP0-S25 Update Time: 2010-05-19
HP0-S25 Price:
$ 120.00
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