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//21 de Mayo, 2010

Cisco 350-050 dumps

por itshow a las 00:49, en General

350-050 Exam
CCIE Wireless Beta Written Exam
Exam Number/Code : 350-050
Exam Name : CCIE Wireless Beta Written Exam
Questions and Answers : 240 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-05-21
350-050 Price: $ 122.00

The TestInside 350-050 study guide is guaranteed to be 100% demo free. We value the quality of training you receive through the 350-050 study guide and will never support 350-050 braindumps, or any 350-050 brain dump site. 350-050 braindumps site cannot compare to the understanding, learning and comprehension you will gain from TestInside IT certification 350-050 braindumps, based on facts and case studies, like TestInside.

Exam : Cisco 350-050
Title : CCIE Wireless Beta Written Exam
1. Which item is the main difference between an PF planning tool and a site survey tool?
A. an RF planning tool is generally much more expensive
B. an RF planning tool will measure the RF coverage by AP locations, indicating antennas and output power
C. an RF planning tool does a better job of showing actual -65 dBm edges
D. an RF planning tool is a predictive tool, where a site survey tool measures the actual RF environment
Answer: D

2. By which DHCP option may a list of wireless LAN controllers be offered to the AP during the Layer 3 LWAPP Join process?
A. 6
B. 43
C. 44
D. 46
Answer: B

To become an Cisco 350-050 Certified Professional, you will need to learn all the Cisco 350-050 certification test objectives. Study them with the use of an Cisco 350-050 certification guide and then test and evaluate your knowledge via our leading edge Cisco 350-050 certification training resources.

TestInside provides high quality Cisco 350-050 dumps. It is the best and the lastest Cisco 350-050 Practice Exams. Furthermore, we are constantly updating our Exam Cisco 350-050. These Exam Resources updates are supplied free of charge to TestInside customers. If you have any question about Cisco 350-050 braindumps, please feel free to contact us at any time.

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