642-974 DCNIS-2
Data Center Network Infrastructure Support – 2
Number: 642-974
Certifications: Data Center Networking Infrastructure Support
Duration: 75 minutes (45-55 questions)
Available Languages:
English and Japanese
Exam : Cisco 642-974
Title : Data Center Networking Infrastructure Support
1. Refer to the exhibit. Which FWSM command allows routing of TCP
traffic from the Internet to network 10.0.0/24?
A. access-list inside permit
B. route inside
C. route outside
route inside 0 0
Answer: B
2. How would you configure a NAM to monitor and report the most heavily
viewed sections of a website?
A. Create a separate domain name or virtual
server IP address for each section of the site. Add each domain name or IP
address to the NAM application protocol directory.
B. Enable
regular-expression pattern matching. Define application protocol filters based
on regular expressions that match the desired URLs.
C. Enable URL monitoring.
Define each desired URL as an application in the protocol directory.
D. Use
SPAN or VACLs to capture upper-layer protocol data from the web servers. Use a
third-party application to parse the stored capture files.
Answer: C
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