642-426 Exam
Troubleshooting Unified Communications (TUC)
Number/Code : 642-426
Name : Troubleshooting Unified Communications (TUC)
Questions and Answers :
48 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-05-31
642-426 Price: $ 79.00
642-426 Exam Description
The 642-426 Troubleshooting Unified
Communications (TUC) exam is the exam associated with the CCVP certification.
Candidates can prepare for this exam by taking Troubleshooting Cisco Unified
Communications (TUCv1.0) course. The 642-426 exam
will certify that the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills
necessary to troubleshoot Enterprise CallManager, Unity, and IP network
deployments. The exam addresses hands-on experience in configuring, deploying,
and troubleshooting Unified Communications solutions. Topics covered include
(see Claims and Components attached).
Testinside is very confident on their testing materials that it will give you 100% guaranteed success but it all depends on the candidate that how much time they devote for 642-426 classes and for the preparation of 642-426 certification exam.
642-426 Exam
5. Cisco CallManager 5.0 has just been deployed in two
locations across a wide-area link. A distributed model with an intercluster
trunk has been used. When you call an IP phone at the remote site the phone
rings, but as soon as the other person picks up the phone, the call is
Where should you look to diagnose the problem?
A. locations
system parameters
C. media resource group
D. Cisco Unified CallManager
E. Cisco Unified CallManager CTI traces
Answer: C
6. A company has migrated to a Cisco Unified CallManager IP Telephony system
and is now replacing the existing voice-mail system with a Cisco Unity
voice-mail system. A small group of users has been established to test the new
voice mail system. The users were able to initialize their mailboxes and record
greetings; however, during testing the callers were sometimes unable to leave
voice-mail messages for Cisco Unity users.
Which two issues could cause this
problem? (Choose two.)
A. There is a mismatch in the number of ports
configured in Cisco Unified CallManager and Cisco Unity.
B. There is a
mismatch in the MWI on/off numbers configured in Cisco Unified CallManager and
Cisco Unity.
C. The call transfer call handlers are not configured
D. Cisco Unity is in a G.729 region and has not been configured to
support G.729.
E. The hunt group is hunting to Cisco Unity ports that have
been dedicated for message notification.
Answer: AE
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