350-018 Exam
CCIE Pre-Qualification Test for Security
Exam Number/Code
: 350-018
Name : CCIE Pre-Qualification Test for Security
Questions and Answers : 199
Update Time: 2010-05-13
350-018 Price: $ 120.00
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5. In regards to private address space, which three of the following
statements are true? (Choose three.)
A. Private address space is defined in
RFC 1918.
B. These IP addresses are considered
C. Private address space is
not supposed to be routed over the Internet.
D. is also considered
part of private address space, according to the RFC.
E. Using only private
address space and NAT to the Internet is not considered as secure as having a
stateful firewall.
Answer: ACE
6. When using Cisco SDM to manage a Cisco IOS device, what configuration
statements are necessary to be able to use Cisco SDM?
A. ip http server
ip http secure-server
C. ip http server
sdm location X.X.X.X
D. ip http
sdm location X.X.X.X
E. ip http server
ip http
Answer: A
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