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//24 de Mayo, 2010

000-908 brain dumps

por itshow a las 02:03, en General

000-908 Exam
Tivoli Monitoring V6.2 Implementation
Exam Number/Code : 000-908
Exam Name : Tivoli Monitoring V6.2 Implementation
Questions and Answers : 142 Q&As
Update Time: 2010-05-24
Price: $ 120.00

Section 3 – Installation
Given the product software and the required access, log on to the TMR server, install the upgrade toolkit, and optional UNIX or Linux support via Desktop or CLI to enable the upgrade tools for ITM V5.1.2 on Framework
With emphasis on performing the following:
Log on to the TMR server and source the Tivoli environment
Demonstrate the ability to use desktop or CLI to install migration toolkit on TMR and gateways

5. What operating system family is the Warehouse Proxy component of IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2 supported on? (Choose three.)
A. z/OS
B. Solaris
C. Linux
D. Windows
F. i5/OS
Answer: CDE

6. A large IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment contains four thousand agents. Two HUB TEMS are installed along with ten remote TEMS. How many TEPS and Tivoli Data Warehouse (TDW) servers are required within this environment?
A. 1 TEPS, 1 TDW server
B. 1 TEPS, 2 TDW server
C. 2 TEPS, 1 TDW server
D. 2 TEPS, 3 TDW servers
Answer: C

Our 000-908 practice exams and study questions are composed by current and active Information Technology experts, who use their experience in preparing you for your future in IT. Only with time and hard work, that can you get an IT certification.The certifications are different while the steps towards them are similar.Read the follow steps carefully if you are planning to get certified.

Test information:
Number of questions: 71
Time allowed in minutes: 120
Required passing score: 75%
Test languages: English

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